Smoking a cigar involves much more than just stuffing tobacco leaves in your face, lighting and sucking. While it’s likely true that anyone who can walk to the fountain and get a drink of water can also successfully smoke a cigar, there are some techniques that will allow you the greatest enjoyment of the flavors, aromas and other nuances of your smoke.
Unlike a cigarette, a premium cigar contains 100% pure tobacco product. There are no additives, reconstituted or expanded tobacco and neither is there a cellulose acetate filter. The moisture content is between 14-17%. Because of these characteristics, a premium stogie will burn cool and slow and most of the tobacco will burn incompletely. Based on his/her experience with cigars with these essential properties, the seasoned cigar smoker will typically gravitate toward certain techniques for obtaining the greatest pleasure from smoking a choice cigar. Let me list and explain a few of these techniques: